In a forest looking at trees, the ground covered in ferns, think about supporting a queer loved one

Therapy for Parents of LGBTQ Kids in Texas & Washington

Your loved one has just come out as part of the LGBTQ+ community and you are struggling with being supportive and affirming.

Does this sound like you?

In therapy you can work through your

  • fears

  • biases 

  • judgements

I will provide a safe space for you to express your feelings honestly, even when they come from your fears and biases.

Your life doesn’t look the way you want it to.

Your life doesn’t look the way you want it to.

How Supporting Parents of an LGBTQ Loved One Works

Navigating the journey of affirming and supporting your LGBTQ+ loved one can feel like a challenging path to tread, filled with uncertainties and emotions. It's natural to feel unsure about how best to provide the love and support they need while also honoring your own feelings and experiences. I want you to know that it's okay to have questions and concerns, and I'm here to offer guidance and support as you navigate this journey.

First and foremost, I want to commend you for your willingness to learn and grow in understanding. Your commitment to creating a safe and affirming space for your loved one speaks volumes about your compassion and empathy. Together, we can explore ways to approach conversations with your loved one with openness and acceptance, allowing them to feel seen, heard, and valued for who they truly are.

It's important to remember that affirming your loved one's identity is a journey that requires patience, empathy, and self-reflection. As we work together, we can explore strategies for deepening your understanding of LGBTQ+ identities and experiences, empowering you to provide meaningful support to your loved one. You are not alone in this journey, and I am here to offer guidance, encouragement, and support every step of the way. Together, we can create a safe and affirming environment where both you and your loved one can thrive.

FAQs about Therapy for Supporting Your Loved One

If you have more questions have a look at the FAQ page or reach out.

  • Therapy provides a safe and supportive space to explore your feelings, gain insight into your struggles, and develop coping strategies. It can also help strengthen relationships and foster greater understanding and acceptance.

  • Therapy is not about changing your beliefs or values but rather about exploring your feelings and attitudes in a supportive environment. The goal is to promote empathy, understanding, and acceptance of your loved one while honoring your own experiences and perspectives.

  • Therapy can provide guidance on effective communication strategies, boundary-setting, and conflict resolution techniques. It can also help you explore ways to support and affirm your loved one while maintaining your own emotional well-being.

  • It's common to experience a range of emotions, including guilt and shame, when grappling with acceptance issues. Therapy can offer a nonjudgmental space to explore these feelings, process them, and work towards self-compassion and acceptance. While I advocate for support of your LGBTQ+ loved ones, I completely understand the difficulty that comes with processing this new information.

  • Therapy can be tailored to your unique needs and preferences. While some sessions may focus solely on your experiences and struggles, others may involve your loved one if it's deemed beneficial for your relationship dynamics and overall progress.

  • Yes, therapy is confidential, and your therapist is bound by ethical guidelines to protect your privacy. You can trust your therapist to maintain confidentiality and provide a safe and supportive environment for you to explore your feelings and experiences.

Imagine life where…

Once you have worked through some of your own biases you will be more supportive, affirming, and non-judgemental to your LGBTQ+ loved one. You will be more deeply connected in a relationship that is free from fear and resentment.

4 people looking off into a sunset on a hill, united after therapy to support a queer loved one

Embark on the journey of affirming your LGBTQ+ loved one now!